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About The Knights Code of Honor

The Knight of God is a  believer who is being transformed into the image of CHRIST through the power of GOD's word.  He has a dynamic living relationship with GOD his KING.   As you look at this knight, you will see the reflection of JESUS CHRIST our LORD.  You will learn how he thinks and what he believes.  (1 John 3:2, 1 John 5:20, 1 John 5:11)

 It is Written:

A Knight understands that he is not righteous because he faithfully follows all the principles that The Knight's Code of Honor embodies, (Titus 3:5 ), and he knows that he has no righteousness of his own, (Isaiah 64:6), but that his righteousness has been given unto him by GOD his KING, (Philippians 3:9 ).  GOD loved us so much, that he sent forth his son, JESUS to die for us, (John 3:16):  At the cross, Jesus took upon himself all our sins, guilt, and iniquities, and in their place he gave his righteousness unto us.  When GOD looks at us, he does not see our sins, guilt, and iniquities; but instead, he sees the righteousness of CHRIST which has been imputed unto us (Romans 4:7-8 )

The Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith, and that this saving faith, which enables us to receive our salvation, was not a result of our own efforts, but it was a free gift from GOD. Eph 2.8-10  GOD gave us the faith that we needed to be saved out of his kindness, mercy, and grace through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. 

JESUS is the Author and the finisher of our faith, (Hebrews 12:2 ). JESUS bore our sins, guilt, and iniquities upon the cross, and the righteousness of CHRIST has been imputed unto us,   We are blessed for our iniquities have been forgiven, and our sins have been covered  We are blessed for the Lord will not impute sin unto us, (Romans 4:7-8 )..  We have been saved by grace through faith, and this faith was not of ourselves, but it was a gift from GOD, (Ephesians 2:8-10 ).  And we are found in him, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but the righteousness, which is through faith in CHRIST that comes from GOD. (Philippians 3:9 )

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Last Updated:  03/04/2019 17:08